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In the course of its work, Inquesta frequently produces publications and other items of interest to the security and risk management community. We post them here for sharing with clients and interested visitors.
Geomagnetic Storms:
The Natural Threat to Our Energy Infrastructure
by Joseph R. Piñon and Jacques R. Island (April, 2012)
A white paper targeted to the non-scientific community about the threat that geomagnetic storms pose to critical infrastructures in the U.S. and, indeed, worldwide. The primary focus is on the potential widespread damage that these storms can cause to electrical grids and other critical national resources, such as wireless communications and GPS.
This white paper is meant for emergency managers and executives of government and the private sector who provide or manage electricity, communications, healthcare, transportation, and public safety and health, among other services. It provides a good overview of what geomagnetic storms are, what is being done about the threat, and what is left to do to avert or mitigate the next severe or extreme geomagnetic storm.